The Perfect Partner For Pet Rescue

In HDClear

It’s a sad statistic that around 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and 3.4 million are cats according the ASPCA. This is a huge number and alongside these abandoned pets, people continue to breed pets with an unknown plan as to where they will go long term. It’s understandable that pet shelters want to rehome as many of these pets, as quickly as possible, and while they are with the shelter, that they are comfortable and safe. And that’s where we can help at HDClear!

Making The Most of Your Windows At Pet Shelters

As a pet shelter, you want to make sure you are able to reach out to as many new homes as possible, and rehome as many pets as you can. Using your windows to promote your shelter and the benefits of rehoming a pet within your household, can help you find new families for cats and dogs within your care. HDClear custom printed window graphics can be printed to any size and any design, they are incredibly versatile from one way films to allow privacy for those inside the building through to frosting for a professional finish. Ideal for a pet shelter, using HDClear you could encourage pet lovers to visit with full color images of some of your cats and dogs alongside your opening hours, while providing enough cover on the windows to add privacy for new owners meeting potential pets. An added benefit of using HDClear is over 98% reduction of penetration of UV rays into your building. By reducing UV rays, you are helping maintain a temperature which is cooler in the heat and warmer in the cold, and protecting you and the animals in your care from the dangerous rays.

To find out how HDClear can help benefit your pet shelter enabling you find new homes for cats and dogs talk to us today.

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