Outdoor Innovation And Advertising Ideas

As a nation, we’re encouraged to get active and help keep fit and healthy. There are so many places outdoors that have places to walk, run, jog, or take part in classes such as yoga or meditation. Not only does being active outdoors help you keep fit, but exposure to sunlight can help boost serotonin levels and help people feel better. When they are feeling happy and relaxed, people are more receptive to messages around them. So for advertisers and marketers, promoting the latest events or activity through outdoor media in a busy location is an innovative approach that can increase engagement. AGMedia offers an exciting, eye-catching advertising idea to reach the people enjoying the outdoors:  floor and sidewalk stickers!

AGMedia – exciting ideas for outdoor advertising

AGMedia continues to strive to bring our clients outdoor media options that help them create a lasting impression and ultimately, profit from their events. Floor and sidewalk graphics are a great way to capture the attention of active people getting fit in parks and social areas. They are an ideal way to break up the monotony of a sidewalk with a bold, exciting design that can catch the eye of anyone who walks, runs or cycles over it! From local music events, sports and fitness classes that take place in the same location to community events, sidewalk and floor graphics can be used to promote almost anything. They are durable, weatherproof and are produced to high standards for a memorable campaign that will get people talking!

Call AGMedia about new and exciting ways to promote to your customers today!

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