Museum Exhibits – Maximising Visits for Short Term Displays

One of the highlights of many of the most prestigious and renowned museums in LA, are the array of visiting exhibits. Collections of pieces that tour the country, or even the world, and short term opportunities to see fantastic artefacts from the past or present that people may never get the change again to enjoy. For museums, short term exhibitions are the ideal Opportunity to attract new visitors to both the visiting attraction and the rest of your museum. So how do you let the right people know that your new exhibit may interest them? City light pole banners!

City Light Pole Banners for Visiting Attractions

It’s difficult to know how to target the right demographic for each new exhibit that you open at your museum. You may have direct mail lists to email your existing database of visitors and know their interests but it’s an ideal opportunity to attract new faces, young and old. Installation of City Light Pole Banners promoting the highlights of your new attractions, lining the busiest streets in the area or those surrounding your buildings, can turn heads and reach a changing and increasing cross section of the local population every few minutes. Ideally installing these banners just prior to the opening of the exhibit (if you need help on planning promotional campaigns, we recently shared some hints and tips for planning outdoor advertising) you will ensure you reach the maximum potential audience for visiting your exhibit.

At AGMedia we have a long history of working with local and national museums to prepare promotional campaigns and city light pole banners, so should you need any guidance or support, our friendly team would be more than happy to assist!

A great city light pole banner with contact details, location and some impactful images will soon have tickets flying out the door for your latest exhibit at your museum.

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