Branding – The Key To Loyalty

In AGRetail

Tips to improve your branding with retail marketing

We have talked previously about the importance of branding, why you should brand your store and business and how you must maintain consistency and communication of your guidelines and visions.  Branding is the foundation of building loyalty for customers to your store.  When customers feel valued and recognize something in your brand that they can identify with, they are more likely to return to your store and to feel a bond with the brand.  If your store team members are not from a marketing background, it might be tricky to identify all the opportunities within your store for reinforcing branding, so we’re here to help!  As experts in retail branding, AGRetail bring you a range of services for building brands. From conception to reinforcement, we can advise, create, design and help strengthen through retail marketing.  And here are some extra tips for branding in a retail store:

If it hasn’t worked, don’t be afraid to start again!

Some brands just don’t work, or they are not strong enough.  Perhaps they are too close to another brand or do not accurately represent your store or values.  There is no shame in rebranding.  In fact, you could potentially make a greater impact if you start from scratch, build something that truly represents how you think of your brand, and relaunch.  It could just be the beginning of a new start!

Less is sometimes more

There may be an inclination towards putting your brand on everything.  While it is a good idea to use it regularly and wherever is appropriate, overuse can be as damaging as underuse.  Strategic placement is the best method – using window graphics, or as part of point-of-purchase displays, can help customers notice your brand and associate it with your store and product range.

Bring it online

We can’t escape from the digital age, but it can also help your branding.  Social media pages, e- commerce site and blogs are all great ways to maintain a strong brand image – logos placed throughout and reinforcing your branding through images and text can go a long way towards creating loyalty.

Call AGRetail today for more information on how we can help you create a household name brand that attracts customers.

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