At The Movies

In HDClear

Motion Pictures have maintained an incredible level of popularity in the US. From the upcoming film makers through to huge budget blockbusters, there is constantly something fresh and exciting being released. The drive through movies that were once popular have largely made way for multi-screen deluxe theaters, with air conditioning, refreshments and luxury seating! Just as there is competition for what movies you go to see, there is competition for which movie theater you visit! If you are spending your money on a relaxed way to enjoy a movie, you want to be sure you are getting an all round great experience. And HDClear can help movies theaters promote themselves while ensuring a safe, comfortable internal environment.

HDClear – Custom Printed Window Graphics For Leisure Facilities

Ideally when your customers drive past, you want them to know you are a great movie theater, that you are open for business and that you offer a comfortable, relaxed setting to enjoy your movie. Using your external windows to advertise your services is a clever and inventive use of otherwise dead space. HDClear can print custom printed window graphics, not only in the size you require, but in the design that you choose. There are options for one way vision film to enable either back lighting or privacy, full color graphics print or variations of gradients and fades. There are additional benefits of using HDClear window films on external and internal glass, clear glass can present a walk in hazard, particularly in situations where people are distracted and perhaps not paying full attention (ie at a movie theater with a group of friends!) so covering glass with custom printed window graphics can alert people to their presence and prevent accidental run ins. Should the worst happen, the integrity of the material will ensure that the glass does not shatter into shards on impact. A great safety feature for anywhere that there are many people.

For a safer environment in your movie theater, with the combined ability to promote your services, consider how HDClear can work for you.

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