Stand Out Mall Branding

Shopping malls are inevitably busy places. As a retail store you could be located amongst a group of popular stores, some of which could be your direct competition, or you might be situated slightly out of the main foot traffic. Wherever you are within a mall, your aim is the same – to differentiate from your competitors and grab the attention of your existing customers as well as new ones. With Mall Wall you have the opportunity to create an impact in a simple, stylish and head-turning way!

Retail Barricades To Stand Out From Competitors

Retail is an incredibly competitive market, not only to trends that change regularly, but also because there are so many external factors that influence buying patterns. A retail barricade is an exciting way to stand out in a busy, ever-changing mall and to appeal to a wide customer base with eye-catching, tailored graphic solutions. Incredibly versatile, a custom-printed retail barricade can be designed and printed to your specifications. Whether you want your logo and branding color, a message to your customers or an innovative full color image, Mall Wall can create a retail barricade for your business. They are ideal during a refurbishment when you want to let your customers know that you are not gone for good but simply sprucing up your store. If you are opening a new store and want to let people know that you will be opening soon, they are almost impossible to miss. If you are planning a short-term promotion, perhaps you are replacing a window display, and require a way to cover this over, a Mall Wall retail barricade is the perfect solution to fit any space and brand with whatever message you choose. If you need to cover part of your storefront in the run up to Christmas, why not use your retail barricade to create a wintery feeling and promote your Christmas offers.

An exciting, versatile and professional way to promote your retail store, talk to Mall Wall about retail barricade solutions today.

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