One Is Never Enough! Why City Light Pole Banner Campaigns Work!

The results are hard to argue with, outdoor advertising works! It’s a fact that over 70% of people state that they will look at an outdoor media campaign. If you’re driving and you spot a banner that grabs your interest, it has sometimes disappeared before you get the information you need. But a city light pole banner campaign can make this problem a thing of the past. And AGMedia are THE city light pole banner specialists in and around LA.

City Light Pole Banner Campaigns Across Cities

Consider a single building banner or an individual poster for an event, play or production, or the latest exhibit at a museum. It is a great idea for capturing attention – a large, eye catching design with a simple, easy to read message that excites and engages your potential audience prompting them to question where they can find out more. Now imagine how you can make this campaign even more effective. The human brain operates on a repetition principle – they match patterns easily and when they recognise a pattern, it naturally grabs attention. These leads to a feeling of familiarity, and can help imprint a message on the longer term memory. The optimum number of repeat exposures in order to capture attention is three times. So when you are considering a high impact outdoor media campaign – the opportunity for a number of City Light Pole Banners in a row, decorating the side of busy streets, is one that could significantly increase awareness of your event, show or organisation. A pattern that the brain can easily identify with, imprinting the information into your memory and increasing the likelihood that, even if you aren’t interested, should you hear someone talk about a related interest, you are more likely to recall the information to share with them. Spreading news of events, plays, concerts, fundraisers and more, far and wide.

AGMedia are specialists in outdoor advertising campaigns including City light pole banner, building banners, over the street banners and many more innovative outdoor media options.

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